Hope Nation is a place of Hope. H.O.P.E. Is an acronym that stands for Helping Other People Exist. People from every walk of life are welcome to fellowship, worship, and serve with us.
For us, “You Belong Here” is not just a catch phrase but our deeply rooted belief that you really do belong here. Whether you’re in the physical building, the virtual campus, or perusing through our website, Hope Nation wants you to feel welcomed, valued, and hopeful that great things await you.
Hope is a Christ-centered, family-centered church. You will always encounter the hope of Christ and the strength of the family.
As Founder and Senior Pastor of Hope Nation, thank you for taking the time to allow myself, Lady Jones, and the Hope Nation family to grace you with the Hope that we love so dearly.
The easiest way for you to give is thru Realm, our secure online community. We recommend that you consider setting up a recurring donation through your Realm profile.
Mail your donation to
Hope Nation
3423 Carahills Ln
Memphis, TN 38133
“I love my church! The Place of Hope is a spirit-filled word church. I am encouraged every time I enter the doors. This place helps me to live a victorious life in Christ. At Hope, we love God and God’s people. Our Bishop and First Lady live the life they preach, teach and sing about. We believe in giving God our best. We are a 5 Star Ministry."
A. Jones
"Being a member of TPOH has truly changed my life and helped me strengthen my walk with God! There is so much love in His people there that it's unreal! When you can worship in a place where feel the presence of God before you even enter in you know you are in the right place!"
A. Burton
"The Place of HOPE is a church that teaches the bible. Bishop Jones breaks the word down so that a child can understand. I feel a part of the church and it's not just for adults but as a kid, there are things for us to do so that we feel apart of it too. I love my church, my Pastor and First Lady...there is no place like hope."
Q. McDuffie
"Strong we feel with every feeling, sincere as it is real. Hope is defined as a feeling of expectation an desire. There is no greater feeling like The Place of Hope. The Place of Hope has become one of our favorite places. Not because we attend there but because it's a place where we can spiritually exist. Our love for you will always be true."
The Blakes
I went to visit The Place of Hope a few years ago and told myself "it wasn't the church for me" and "I didn't like the atmosphere". I went again once I decided I wanted to give my life to Christ. The SAME church with the SAME atmosphere fed my soul. My mind was opened with the word from God by Bishop and the singing that sound like it was coming from the Heavenly choir. I learned after that day that it wasn't that it wasn't the church for me, it was the devil trying to block what I needed in my life. God is making major plays in my life and it's all because of the teachings I get from my church family at The Place of Hope.
T. Perez
Did you know that as a first-time visitor, you can plan your visit?
We would love to show our TPOH hospitality!
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