Help. Other. People. Exist
"We will be the vehicle of change for our community and our city one person at a time.
We are unafraid to exercise the full potential of our faith. We will never insult God with a small-minded approach. We are believers in his Word and His way.
We are the "capital C" church! Our church is the hope of this city, this community, and its families. “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor”. We are many and TOGETHER we will see great things accomplished.
We will always define our own greatness and not accept the shortsighted labels of others.
We will spread the gospel of Christ by exhausting all means while continuing to lift his name. We will reach those whom have been failed by others, we will put in the work no one else has been willing or able to do.
We will praise with all our being, and not reserve ourselves as the spirit moves through and around our lives. There is no greater pleasure than to serve God without shame or reservation, always being genuine to yourself and the Lord.
We will only bring our best to each task God has for us, and that will always serve as an inspiration for others.
We will honor Christ and His church with integrity.
This God journey started in July of 2018. It was then that the Lord led our Bishop to withdraw from the organization he had served for 43 years. God spoke to our leader over the next 15 months leading and directing the steps to take and the moves to make.
October 2019 the Lord spoke again to Bishop and The Place of Hope was officially birthed and the Lord identified to Bishop where we would call home. With clear vision and direction Bishop Jones led the congregation into “Project Season Change.” This initiative would be a landmark initiative for moving forward.
On October 7, 2019, the brothers of our ministry went to work preparing our worship facility according to the vision the Lord had given our Bishop. They spent long days over the next two weeks to get the job done. On October 20, 2019, we held our first service at 5963 Summer Ave. Bartlett, TN. The Lord met us there and moved in a mighty way. This spot of ground is anointed and blessed. God sent us to the Hill Country and gave us a challenge that we accepted.
November 1, 2019, was the Official Grand Opening of our worship facility. Our journey thus far has been great and God has promised us even greater. We are grateful to God that He allowed The Place of Hope to be birthed. Early 2020 the church and the nation were ripped by the Coronavirus pandemic. The church being less than six months old was forced to close the doors for all public gatherings and go virtual. Pastor Shirley Ray was asked to develop “Hope Cares”. Hope Cares was the vehicle used to check on and facilitate the needs of the congregation during this horrific pandemic. Our testimony is the majority of the members were infected at least once by the virus but no life was lost.
March 2021, after battling through and surviving a national pandemic, the church moved to 5716 Stage Rd. in Bartlett, TN. It was there that the Lord added to the ministry both numerically and financially. New ministries were put in place to facilitate the growing needs of the ministry. April 25, 2021 was a historic moment for the church. Pastor Shirley Ray was consecrated to the office of Executive Pastor. In November of the same year our Bishop declared at our second anniversary that “By This Next Year” we would be in our own worship facility. Our Bishop appointed Dr. Phyllis Hampton to lead us in our “Project Ready” fundraiser campaign.
God did It on October 31, 2022 The Place Of Hope moved to our current location 9441 Grove Rd, Cordova TN 38016. In the short time there the Lord has added richly to the church. God kept His promise. This is only the beginning…Greater Is Coming!!!
The Place Of Hope is truly Helping Other People Exist.